Thursday, July 02, 2009

Our next stop was the ancient Greco-Roman city of Jerash. It is a place where Jesus visited in his time. The Bible calls it Gerasa. It is a place of columns, Roman theaters, architecture, five bath houses, a temple dedicated to Zeus, and a temple dedicated to Diana. It has Roman roads, a sewer system, two amphitheaters, arches and many other things. The reason why this place is so well preserved is because it was covered with sand for many hundreds of years. Usually in a place like this the people of the area would carry away anything they could for their own use, but since it was buried in sand for so long it stayed relitively intact until it was discovered and the sand was removed and made into a monument.
Pillars on Roman road After such a long and exciting trip this would be the last great landmark I would visit. I was glad the trip was over because now I would have so many memories of all I had experienced that I could spend the rest of my life savorying all that I went through.
Roman road I got back to the hotel and relaxed and watched a little television and read some. I had two more days on my own in this city. Since I was alone I didn't feel like walking around in the city, so I stay in my hotel room until it was time to go. It gave me time to reflect and catch up on my journal.

After two days passed I got all my stuff together and went to the lobby to wait for a driver to take me to the airport. He finally came. I didn't get his name but it was probably Mohammed. At the airport a porter helped me get a boarding pass and helped me get to the right plane. At the suitcase check-in place, the person running the x-ray machine demanded that I open my suitcase. I had bought some bracelet type things for my grandkids in Egypt. They probably looked like fuses under the x-ray. That being done I boarded the plane and headed to London again.

Once there I didn't go anywhere. I waited like everyone else. I used my credit card to buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks. That was somethng I never thought I would do. I had a little English money and bought some potato chips. The change I got was really interesting. I love English money. The people at Heathrow are the best in the world. They were so kind and very helpful. I will never forget that. I got on the plane and made it back to the States in one piece thank God. Now that trip is history. God bless America!



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