Tuesday, May 30, 2006


The City Of Seattle has a new way of collecting revenue. It's with pay stations rather then meters. I swore I wouldn't like them when they first came out, but after I used them once or twice and got used to it. Before you know it, you don't mind them at all. They take credit cards, or you can use coins. You park your car, then go over to the pay station and start putting coins in. It will take everything except pennies. Then you push the green button and your sticker comes out. On it it has the time you can park there. You separate the ticket part from the sticky part and put it on your window from the inside. If you don't use up all your time, you can drive somewhere else and use up your time without buying another ticket.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

Sun Jul 02, 10:36:00 PM  

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